Online meetings on activities under the Priority Research Areas

10 06 2020
Category: Events, POB I, POB II, POB III, POB IV, POB V
In the second half of June and in July, online meetings will be held on the activities being carried out under the five Priority Research Areas (POB) of the “Excellence Initiative” at UW.
During the meetings, members of the University of Warsaw community will be able to learn how to join the activities implemented within the various areas. The meetings are organised by the teams that work on the details of implementing individual priority research areas.
Meeting dates:
- POB I “Science for the Planet” – 30 June, 10:00-15:00
- POB II “Beyond Micro and Macro Worlds” – 1 July, 10:00-14:00
- POB III “The Challenge of Petabytes”‘ – 2 July 14:30
- POB IV “The Humanities: Crossing Borders, Extending Capabilities”‘ – 23 June, 17:00-19:00
- POB V “Responding to Global Challenges” – 10 July, 10:00-13:00