IDUB Mini-grants: results of the first edition of the competition

04 08 2020
Five teams of scientists from 4EU+ Alliance universities received funding as part of a pilot competition for UW mini-grants. The groups of researchers will implement projects on 4EU+ Flagship 2 – “Europe in a changing world: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and languages”, as well as those that address issues related to the social, economic and cultural consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The funds under Action II.1.1 could be applied for by research teams from 4EU+ Alliance universities – representatives from the University of Warsaw and at least two other universities belonging to the alliance.
Nominated projects:
- “Central Europe facing the pandemic”, implemented by the University of Warsaw, in cooperation with Charles University and the University of Sorbonne, as well as the Université Libre de Bruxelles, a university belonging to the international research network ‘Power and Societies facing the Crisis of Covid-19 (PoSoC-19)’, project manager: Dr Kinga Torbicka from the French Cultural Centre;
- “Women at universities and COVID-19 pandemic. A preliminary comparative research among Italy, Germany and Poland”, carried out by the University of Warsaw, in cooperation with Heidelberg University and the University of Milan, project manager: Dr hab. Aneta Ostaszewska from the Faculty of Applied Social Sciences and Resocialisation;
- “Re-thinking «Media Literacy» in the Age of Coronavirus: Inter- and transcultural e-learning contexts in European universities. A preliminary study of the situation in Italy, Germany and Poland”, conducted by the University of Warsaw, in cooperation with the University of Milan and Heidelberg University, project manager: Dr hab. Silvia Bonacchi from the Faculty of Applied Linguistics;
- “Modernizations: States, Conflicts, Culture and Societies in Central Europe”, carried out by the University of Warsaw, in cooperation with Charles University, Heidelberg University, the University of Sorbonne and the University of Milan, project manager: Prof. Paweł Rodak from the Faculty of Polish Studies;
- “De-democratization at the times of Covid-19”, implemented by the University of Warsaw, in cooperation with Charles University and the University of Milan, project manager: Dr hab. Łukasz Zamęcki from the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies.
The next competition for mini-grants at the University of Warsaw will open in mid-September.