Competition results for CRAC “Small Grants”

08 11 2020
The evaluation of the applications for the “Small Grants” competition has ended. Nineteen applications were submitted to CRAC amounting to a total of 220,000 PLN. The selection committee granted funding to eight projects, allotting the entire available budget (approx. 100,000 PLN) to their implementation.
The criteria in assessing the applications and the maximum number of points possible were as follows: compliance with the conditions in the competition (5 points), the scientific value of the project (50 points), scientific impact in relation to planned expenditures (20 points), and the feasibility of the project relative to the competencies and achievements of the applicants (25 points). The list below presents the projects which were awarded funding along with information about the amount of financing granted. The next call for applications will be announced at the end of 2020.
- Conference Archaeology and History of the Mareotis Region: New Discoveries and Research Perspectives
- International seminar Manufacturing and use of counterfeit Roman Imperian denarii on both sides of the limes. Cross-border transfer of ideas, technologies, coins, or independent phenomena?
- Preparation of photos and graphics for publication The Hawarte Mithraeum and its Paintings
- Conference Materiality of Languages: Epigraphy, Manuscripts, and Writing Systems in Byzantium and Early Islamic Near East (324–1204). Four sessions for the 56th International Congress on Medieval Studies 2021, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo
- Linguistic correction of an article IG IV 752 and Reprisals άπò τας χώρας
- Preparation for publication Living with the Army II. The Results of Remote Sensing and Fieldwalking Surveys in Novae (Lower Moesia)
- Archive query Nowy kodeks podatkowy z kolekcji w Heidelbergu (ang. New tax code from the Heidelberg collection)
- Printing illustrations for publication Textiles in the Ancient Iconography