The results of the second competition for small CRAC grants
24 03 2021
In the second competition for “small CRAC grants”, which was organised as part of Action I.3.11, nine projects have received co-financing, amounting to nearly 56,500 PLN.
- Prof. dr hab. Adam Łajtar (Faculty of Archaeology) – for the publication of a book: “The Greeks, as usual, have painted their saints upon the wall.” Studies on Churches and Chapels in Nubian Monuments at Wadi es-Sebua and Tafa.
- Dr hab. Roksana Chowaniec (Faculty of Archaeology) – for the proofreading of a book: The Archaeology of Urban Life in the Ancient Akrai/Acrae, Sicily.
- Dr Barbara Brzuska (Faculty of Polish Studies) – for the publication of a book: “Skład najobfitszy prawideł i wzorów”. O przekładaniu literatury antycznej w Polsce w 2. poł. osiemnastego i w wieku dziewiętnastym.
- Dr Piotr Jaworski (Faculty of Archaeology) – for a translation of a chapter into English: Znaleziska monetarne z Domu H1 w Marei.
- Dr hab. Radosław Karasiewicz-Szczypiorski (Faculty of Archaeology) – for proofreading and layout of materials for a book: Paweł Gołyźniak, Engraved Gems from Tblisi, Georgia. The Natsvlishvili Family Collection, Warszawa, WUW.
- Mgr Anna Mech (Faculty of Arts and Cultural Sciences) – for a research stay at The Combined Library of the Institute of Classical Studies and the Hellenic and Roman Societies (ICS London).
- Dr hab. Marek T. Olszewski (Faculty of Archaeology) – for participation in a conference and the presentation of a paper: Homage to Antioch Mosaics: Current Stand and Perspectives, Antakya / Hatay (Turkey).
- Dr hab. Marek T. Olszewski (Faculty of Archaeology) – for participation in a congress and the presentation of a paper to the Association International pour la recherche sur la mosaique antique, “Mosaic in Context,” Lyon.
- Mgr Maria Jaworska (Faculty of Arts and Cultural Sciences) – for archaeometric analysis of lamps from Ptolemais, as a tool for research on local production in Cyrenaica.
Another call for applications will be announced at the end of April, this year.