An open call for individual outgoing MSCA fellowships as part of the European Commission’s “Seal of Excellence” initiative

13 08 2021
Category: Calls for proposals, I.1.4/IV.2.1
As of 16 August 2021, there is an open call for applications (under IDUB Action I.1.4 / IV.2.1), to co-finance a stay abroad that lasts from 12 to 24 months.
In this IDUB competition for funding, researchers from UW who received the Seal of Excellence from the European Commission as part of the MSCA-IF-2020 competition (which ended 9 September 2020) may apply for project funding. This will allow for the implementation of research projects which were acknowledged for their substantive value by independent experts, selected by the European Commission within the framework of the competition for Maria Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships in the Horizon 2020 program (MSCA-IF-2020).
The deadline for applications is 15 September 2021.