Pioneering archaeological research film series

13 07 2022
Ancient civilisations still hold many secrets for us. However, thanks to the work of scholars, our knowledge of the past is growing. To introduce the discoveries of Warsaw’s ancient scientists, a series of films has been prepared about some of the pioneering research projects being carried out at the University.
- Julia Doroszewska: „Badania nad dziełem Metamorfozy albo Złoty osioł” (“Research on the work Metamorphoses or The Golden Donkey”)
- Małgorzata Sandowicz: „Listy sędziów babilońskich” (“Letters of the Babylonian judges”)
- Tomasz Waliszewski (WA UW): „Badania archeologów w ruinach miasta Mustis” (“Archaeologists’ research in the ruins of the Mustis city”)
- Prof. Ewa Wipszycka-Bravo: „Życie mnichów w Egipcie” (“Life of the monks in Egypt”)
- Jakub Urbanik (WPiA UW): „Papirus Dionizji” (“Papyrus of Dionysia”)
- Jan Kozłowski (IFK UW): „«Zdrowaś Maryjo” – analiza i interpretacja intertekstualna” (“»Hail Mary« – intertextual analysis and interpretation”)
- Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò (WH UW): „Żydzi Drugiej Świątyni między tradycją a światem greckim” (“Jews of the Second Temple between tradition and the Greek world”)
These films were produced as part of the project “Various Ways to the Past”, thanks to funding obtained under Action III.3.2 “Promotion of scientific research in the public domain”.