The second call for applications to co-finance the organisation of international research schools

16 01 2023
Category: Calls for proposals, IV.4.2
Academic teachers who are employed by UW may apply until the end of February to receive co-financing in the second call for the organisation of international research schools (IRS) for doctoral candidates and young academic research employees.
The objective of the call is to provide co-financing from funds under Action IV.4.2 – “International Summer Schools for PhD students and young research employees”, to organise international research schools at the University of Warsaw, during which doctoral candidates and young employees may broaden their specialised knowledge with the newest global discoveries and create contacts with people who may be interested in undertaking research cooperation, or in adding them to their research groups (for example in postdoctoral internships).
The maximum amount of co-financing of one IRS may not exceed 150,000 PLN.