Second competition for individual MSCA mobility grants under the European Commission’s Seal of Excellence initiative

17 10 2023
Category: Calls for proposals, I.1.4/IV.2.1
As of 16.10.2023, applications can be submitted for the second call for funding under Action I.1.4/IV.2.1 for research projects that have received at least 85% of the maximum number of points specified in the call conditions and the so-called “Seal of Excellence” in the international evaluation procedure and that have not been funded from the Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe budget due to lack of funding.
The current IDUB call for proposals is open to researchers from the University of Warsaw who hold a doctoral degree or an equivalent research degree obtained abroad and who have applied for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Outgoing Fellowship in the Horizon Europe Programme under the HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01 call to foreign research centre and received a so-called “Seal of Excellence”, awarded by the European Commission; and who have been invited by a foreign Host Institution in which the research project is to be carried out, in accordance with the proposal submitted to the HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01 call.
The requirement for financial support is that the subject matter of the submitted proposal corresponds to one of IDUB’s five Priority Research Areas.
The call for applications runs until 31.10.2023.