Summer School of Phenomenology – Method

20 03 2024
The Centre Q UW invites all those interested to participate in the Summer School of Phenomenology, the first meeting of which will focus on the question of method.
For many in the phenomenological movement and historians of contemporary philosophy, method is what defines the uniqueness of phenomenology. The phenomenological method is cited as one of the most important contemporary modes of research that have revolutionised the understanding of fundamental philosophical problems. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the Phenomenology Summer School opens its doors by addressing this issue, which is where phenomenology as such and its movement begins. Mastering the method of phenomenological insight and description opens up a rich spectrum of philosophically relevant issues for enquirers, but it also exposes them to a whole host of misunderstandings and trivialities….
Led by eminent Polish phenomenologists, participants in the School will attend masterclasses, seminars, exercises, discussions, but also workshops and practical activities involving the mind and… the body.
The invitation is addressed to all those interested in philosophy, including phenomenology, but especially to students of philosophy, PhD and PhD students of philosophy and independent academics.