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A lecture by Dr. Sebastian Dworkin from La Trobe University in Melbourne, as part of a mentoring visit

Category: Events, I.1.1/IV.1.1

We would like to invite you to a lecture entitled “Principles of embryology, stem cells and craniofacial development”, prepared as part of a mentoring visit through Action I.1.1/IV.1.1 “Mentoring Programme”.

At the invitation of the team at the Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology at the Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, the lecture will be delivered by Dr. Sebastian Dworkin – lecturer and head of the laboratory at the Faculty of Physiology, Anatomy and Microbiology of the University of La Trobe, Melbourne, Australia. The lecture will be given in English.

Dr. Sebastian Dworkin heads the developmental genetics research group at La Trobe University, where he is also the head of the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology. He is interested in embryology and development, with a particular emphasis on the role of transcription factors in the formation of the neural tube, epithelium, and craniofacial skeleton. His team uses both mouse and zebrafish models in their research, making significant progress in understanding how the genes of the strongly conserved Grainyhead-like transcription factor family (GRHL) can regulate many different developmental processes during embryogenesis. His passion is also teaching at undergraduate studies (both genetics and pathophysiology) and training subsequent generations of scientists.

Summary of the lecture: Every life begins with a single fertilized egg. Multicellular organisms then initiate a complex program of cell division, differentiation, new tissue formation, and ultimately organ formation during embryonic development. During this lecture, Dr. Dworkin will present basic concepts in the field of developmental biology, discuss the early stages of mammalian embryo development, and highlight selected critical functions in the genetic regulation of these processes. He will then also tell you what happens when this process goes wrong, leading to birth defects. Finally, Dr. Dworkin will talk about stem cells – a fascinating cell population that has the power to generate many types of specialized cells. He will discuss embryonic stem cells (ES), adult (somatic) stem cells, and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which may represent the future of personalized therapy in regenerative biology and treatment. Dr Dworkin will also discuss selected ethical implications of stem cell research and present some of Australia’s latest groundbreaking research in stem cell biology and organ formation.

The lecture will be held on Thursday, 20 June 2024, from 11:00-12:30 at the Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, ul. Ilya Miecznikowa 1, room 102B.

In addition to the above lecture, Dr. Dworkin will also give two research seminars, entitled “Uncovering, and targeting, novel genetic pathways in embryonic development”. They will take place on the following dates:

  • on Monday, 17.06.2024 at 13:00, in the building of the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences at ul. Pawińskiego 5A, in room “E”,
  • on Wednesday, 19.06.2024 at 11:30, in the Council Hall (Rada Wydziału) of the Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, ul. Ilya Miecznikowa 1.

We would like to invite employees and students of the University of Warsaw, and all interested parties!