Handbook and podcast on verbal aggression

12 06 2024
Category: III.3.2, Podcasts, Results
When is a popular song a carrier of aggression? How can attitudes and opinions be manipulated through it? Is the negative content always easy to grasp? In a podcast recorded within the framework of the project in Action III.3.2, Dr Monika Konert-Panek from the Institute of Specialised and Intercultural Communication at the University of Warsaw and Dr Mariusz Gradowski from the Institute of Musicology at the University of Warsaw speak.
The project entitled “Verbal aggression in an intercultural perspective – Sources, forms, ways to counteract it”, in the form of interactive workshop meetings in bilingual secondary schools, aimed to show the various possible forms of verbal violence in face-to-face interactions, in interactions via digital media in their complex diversity and in art (in music). The examples presented were not limited to the Polish language, but were extended to other languages in order to show the universal as well as cultural and linguistic features of aggressive language use. The project contributed to the development of linguistic and cultural awareness in the addressees, which would enable them to recognise, understand, explain and prevent forms of anti-social aggression. The project also took into account alternative, socially acceptable ways of expressing aggression.
The results of the project were developed in the form of an English-language and a Polish-language handbook for secondary school students and teachers on activities related to the prevention of verbal violence in schools. Both manuals were designed as interactive and multimedia tools and have been deposited in the UW repository and made available under an OA licence for non-commercial use:
- Polish version: Bonacchi, S., Gradowski, M., Konert-Panek, M., Mela, M., Michnowska, M., Miłkowska-Samul, K., Utri, R. (2024): Agresja werbalna w językach i kulturach europejskich. Podręcznik dla szkół ponadpodstawowych, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11059210
- English version: Bonacchi, S., Gradowski, M., Konert-Panek, M., Mela, M., Michnowska, M., Miłkowska-Samul, K., Utri, R., (2024): Verbal Aggression in European Languages and Cultures Handbook for secondary schools, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11118660
The project also resulted in a podcast recorded at Pulsar, a popularisation platform owned by Polityka weekly. The co-authors of the textbook, Monika Konert-Panek, PhD, from the Institute for Specialised and Intercultural Communication at the University of Warsaw, and Mariusz Gradowski, PhD, from the Institute of Musicology at the University of Warsaw, discuss, among other things, how they identified various types of violent messages in popular songs (mainly English-language songs, however), those that are explicit: brutal, drastic, scandalous, obscene, vulgar, as well as those that are difficult to detect because they are hidden in the lyrics, music and temperament of the authors and performers.