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Ursynów in Warsaw is not just blocks of flats!

Category: III.3.2, Podcasts, Results

Not much is left of the former village of Wolica. However, the memory of what it was like before the area was joined to Warsaw is still alive. The author, Julia Kunikowska, conducts research on the former village and interviews its inhabitants. She publishes interesting facts, memories and material on Facebook, on the YouTube channel and via her podcast.

The history of Wolica, formerly known as Wola Służewska, goes back more than 500 years. In 1951, it was joined to the capital, like many sub-Warsaw villages. Today, it is located on the edge of Ursynów and Wilanów. Wooden cottages have been replaced by blocks of flats and gated housing estates. But there are still people who remember Wolica’s rural past. Those who were not given a voice. The time has come for them to speak out. The stories of Wolica residents have been collected by Julia Kunikowska, an Ursynów resident and doctoral student at the Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Warsaw. She is creating a doctoral thesis on Wolica. Walking from house to house she asks: “How did it used to be?”

The result of her research is a website and podcast “Wolica i okolica”, which received funding from Action III.3.2 “Promotion of scientific research in the public domain”:

In addition to the above online publications, there was also a presentation at the Ursynów House of Art (Dom Sztuki) on Wiolinowa Street: https://haloursynow.pl/pl/11_wiadomosci/22026_jestem-z-wolicy-powstalo-sluchowisko-o-dawnej-ursynowskiej-wsi.html