7th competition to promote scientific research in the public domain

03 01 2025
Category: Calls for proposals, III.3.2
All academic staff employed in either a research or research and teaching group, representing a research team, are invited to apply for the 7th edition of the scientific research promotion competition.
The competition organised within Action III.3.2 ‘Promotion of scientific research’ is intended to popularise scientific research carried out at the University of Warsaw. Thanks to this action, information about the results of this research will be available to recipients who are interested in science but do not belong to a strictly scientific community, including potential candidates for studies.
The subject of funding in the 7th edition is popular science press material in the form of an article or a series of articles on the scientific achievements of UW employees.
The call begins on 13.01.2025 and will run until 14.02.2025.