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Decolonisation of museums

Category: III.3.2, Results

Do you visit museums? Do you sometimes wonder why we talk about decolonisation in Poland, in a country that had no overseas colonies? Do you want to know how to view an exhibition critically? – Visit our website about the decolonisation of museums.

The decolonisation of museums is a process of changing the way history and cultural heritage are presented. It means taking a critical look at the past, reflecting on the historical context of collections and the power relations that influenced their acquisition. Many museum artefacts came to Western cultural institutions as a result of colonial expeditions, looting or forced trade. Their acquisition often involved violence and exploitation of the communities from which they were obtained. In turn, works of European art and museum representations often contain racist content and various traces of imperial narratives. Decolonisation demands aim to rework histories of physical and symbolic violence and to introduce inclusive, polyphonic historical and cultural narratives.

The website, created as part of a project funded by Action III.3.2 “Promotion of scientific research in the public domain”, is a resource for basic knowledge about decolonisation in the Polish context. It is intended for educators, students and all those who recognise the issue of decolonisation in museums in Poland and around the world.
