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Third edition of the Programme for promoters and supervisors of doctoral theses at doctoral schools of the University of Warsaw.

Category: Trainings, V.3.1

The third edition of the Training Programme for doctoral thesis promoters and supervisors conducted at UW doctoral schools has been launched.

The programme is implemented on the initiative of the directors of doctoral schools at the University of Warsaw and is funded by the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme, Action V.3.1. Development of UW Staff competences and the UWażni na dostępność – University of Equal Opportunities project implemented from the European Social Fund Plus under the European Funds for Social Development 2021-2027 programme.

The aim of the Programme is to support the development of competences necessary to work with doctoral students. The Programme is addressed to persons employed at the University of Warsaw, acting as promoters or supervisors (including assistant supervisors) of doctoral theses and to persons preparing to fulfil this role.

The third edition will run from February to June 2025. Additional dates for the most popular training courses are planned for autumn 2025.

Training topics will cover key areas of development needs for male and female promoters, including but not limited to:

  • formal, legal and organisational issues concerning the monitoring of the dissertation and doctoral degree process,
  • shaping cooperation with doctoral students,
  • support in mental health crises and communicating with doctoral students on the basis of respecting boundaries and taking care of each other’s needs;
  • content related to neurodiversity and supporting neuroatypical people to achieve academic success.

Timetable and programme information

For further information, please contact the person responsible for the programme on the side of the UW Human Resources Office, Aleksandra Jędrychowska, MA, at the following e-mail address: promotorzy_i_promotorki.szkolenia@uw.edu.pl