I.1.1 / IV.1.1. Mentoring Programme – edition 4
Call for competition
- Name of the competition: Mentoring Programme – edition 4
- Objective: to fund mentoring visits to the UW, expert visits to the UW and consultations at the UW of eminent scientists from foreign universities and research institutions of high repute
- Applicant: a team from the UW
- Date of competition announcement: 16.09.2024
- Start date for the call for proposals: 16.09.2024
- Budget per mentoring visit: depending on the subject of support chosen (see “Rules” for details)
- How to apply: only electronically to the following address konkursy.idub@uw.edu.pl
Rules for applicationsResults
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By the decision of the Programme Manager, the following applications have so far received funding:
- Track: 5 – POB V: Responding to Global Challenges
Title of the proposal: The Law and Regulation of Corporate Law and Financial Services: A Comparative Approach
Expert: prof. Christian Hofmann, National University of Singapore
Project manager: prof. dr hab. Aleksander Chłopecki
Unit of UW hosting the expert: Faculty of Law and Administration
Allocated funds: 17 000,00 zł - Track: 1 – POB I: Science for the Planet
Title of the proposal: Rola białek FABP w chorobach metabolicznych: Nowe spojrzenie na zależności między pasożytami a cukrzycą typu II
Expert: dr Bruno Guigas, Leiden University Medical Center
Project manager: dr hab. Anna Zawistowska-Deniziak
Unit of UW hosting the expert: Faculty of Biology
Allocated funds: 3 500,00 zł - Track: 2 – POB II: Beyond Micro and Macro Worlds
Title of the proposal: Study of low-dimensional materials to assess their opto-electronic and transport properties at different length scales, from micro to macroscale
Expert: dr Claudio Quarti, University of Mons, Belgium
Project manager: dr hab. Silvio Osella
Unit of UW hosting the expert: Centre of New Technologies
Allocated funds: 11 950,00 zł