I.3.9. Human mobility and inequalities as seen through digital datasources – 1st edition
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Note: new deadline for proposal submissions.
Call for competition
- Name of the competition: Grant competition under Action I.3.9 “Human mobility and inequalities as seen through digital datasources”
- Objective: support research projects that are thematically related to Action I.3.9 “Human mobility and inequalities as seen through digital datasources”
- Applicant: a researcher or a researcher/teacher, employed at the University of Warsaw, counted among the N-classified staff, with at least a doctoral degree, or a team of employees, hereinafter referred to as “the research team”, represented by a project manager, who submits an application for funding on behalf of the team (the research team includes research staff or research/teaching staff members from the University of Warsaw, who are N-classified; these may include students or doctoral candidates at the University of Warsaw who are carrying out project-related tasks)
- Date of competition announcement: 30.09.2021
- Start date for the call for proposals: 30.09.2021
- Closing date for the call for proposals:
24.11.202122.12.2021 - The competition results will be announced by:
31.12.202131.01.2022 (this deadline may be extended in the case of a large number of applications) - Competition budget: 120 000 PLN
- Project budget: 10 000 – 40 000 PLN
- How to apply: only electronically to the following address mbrzezinski@wne.uw.edu.pl
Competition rulesSelection committeeResults
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Selection committee
- dr hab. Michał Brzeziński – Faculty of Economic Sciences, przewodniczący komisji
- dr hab. Anna Matysiak – Faculty of Economic Sciences
- dr hab. Małgorzata Kalbarczyk – Faculty of Economic Sciences
- dr hab. Paweł Kaczmarczyk – Faculty of Economic Sciences
- dr Adam Płoszaj – EUROREG Institute of the Americas and Europe
By the decision of the Programme Manager, the following applications received funding:
- Applicant: dr hab. Maciej Jakubowski, Faculty of Economic Sciences
Title: “Analiza zmian w nierównościach edukacyjnych w oparciu o przetworzone dane z międzynarodowych badań uczniów PISA, TIMSS i PIRLS” - Applicant: dr Karolina Goraus-Tańska, Faculty of Economic Sciences
Title: “Gender inequalities in scientific careers” - Applicant: dr hab. Jan Fałkowski, prof. UW, Faculty of Economic Sciences
Title: “Nierówności dochodowe w polskiej debacie parlamentarnej – stworzenie bazy danych na podstawie analizy stenogramów z posiedzeń sejmu RP w okresie 2005-2019” - Applicant: dr Łukasz Byra, Faculty of Economic Sciences
Title: “Rola porównań dochodowych, rozmiaru i składu grupy odniesienia w decyzji o podjęciu pracy sezonowej w innym kraju” - Applicant: dr Xaquin Perez-Sindin, Faculty of Economic Sciences
Title: “Enabling long-term and small geographical scale studies of socio-economic change through Satellite Remote Sensing of Night-time lights”