III.2.2. Advanced Master’s Degree Programme – programme for the individual organisation of studies – recruitment for the project Interpretable Machine Learning Models for Head and Neck Cancer
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Call for competition
- Name: the individual organisation of studies under Action III.2.2. Advanced Master’s Degree Programme – recruitment for the project Interpretable Machine Learning Models for Head and Neck Cancer
- Objective: to improve the quality of education in the disciplines of computer science and mathematics by enabling the best second-cycle students at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics to study in the best possible and most stimulating conditions
- Applicant: students of the first or second year studying at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the second-cycle studies in Mathematics, Informatics, Bioinformatics and Machine Learning
- Competition announcement date: 03.02.2025
- Starting date of the call for applications: 03.02.2025
- End date of the call for applications: 10.02.2025
- Announcement of first round results: 25.02.2025
- Limit of participants qualified for the programme: 1 (one)
- Form of submitting applications: only in electronic form, to the address IDUBZSM@mimuw.edu.pl
Rules of the programme
Rules of the programme for the individual organisation of studies – recruitment for the project Interpretable Machine Learning Models for Head and Neck Cancer
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