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III.3.2. Promotion of scientific research in the public domain – 2nd edition

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RulesSelection committeeResults

The implementation of this activity will ensure the promotion of the results of scientific research carried out by employees of the University of Warsaw. The projects will include, among other things, the organisation of specially-prepared lectures, lessons, and presentations addressed to various social groups, and the preparation of information in Polish and English on the scientific achievements of University of Warsaw employees, which will then be posted on popular scientific portals. There will also be a promotional campaign in the form of interviews and announcements, released in the Polish press and also published in English. It will be possible to obtain funds to organise thematic scientific conferences with the participation of foreign guests, dedicated to presenting the scientific achievements of outstanding researchers from the University of Warsaw.

Errata 2
W § 7 point 3 the date of announcement of the competition results has been changed from:

The results of the competition will be announced by 31.03.2021.


The results of the competition will be announced by 16.04.2021.

The new version is below.

W § 7 point 1 the closing date for the call for proposals has been changed from:

Applications will be accepted from 01.02.2021 to 01.03.2021.


Applications will be accepted from 01.02.2021 to 15.03.2021.

The new version is below.

Rules for receiving funds

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  • dr Zuzanna Toeplitz – Faculty of Psychology, Chairperson
  • Miłosz Giersz, Faculty of Archeology
  • Marek Trippenbach, Faculty of Physics
  • dr hab. Anna Mierzecka, Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies
  • dr Takao Ishikawa, Faculty of Biology


The following projects were awarded in the second edition of the competition:

  • of dr hab. Paweł Kaczmarczyk, with the aim of producing a podcast entitled “Migration Station” devoted to the promotion of research and researchers related to Centre of Migration Research,
  • of dr Karolina Krasuska dedicated to the promotion and popularisation of the activities of the Gender/Sexuality Laboratory of the American Studies Centre (WWW, podcasts),
  • of dr hab. Arkadiusz Sołtysiak, which will aim to reactivate the “Archaeowieści” blog and post material promoting bioarchaeological research in the Middle East,
  • of prof. dr hab. Aleksander Bursche for the production of a bilingual film on archaeological research,
  • of dr Julia Doroszewska pt. “Different Roads to the Past” promoting groundbreaking, multidisciplinary research into antiquity,
  • of dr Alicja Waszkiewicz-Raviv, which will result in an e-book “PR Monsters” and a website with influencer support to popularise visual media competences in the PR and media environment,
  • of mgr Katarzyna Rechcińska entitled “When photons pretend to be electrons” concerning liquid crystal optical microcavities,
  • of dr hab. Joanna Sułkowska na przygotowanie warsztatów i wykładów nt. zastosowania topologii w naukach przyrodniczych,
  • of mgr Monika Helak entitled “Pandemic Diary Competition”, which will result in the publication of an anthology and a post-competition study in book form,
  • of dr Piotr Cichocki on ethnomusicology – publishing and promoting recordings with commentary explaining the hybrid musical culture of Central Africa,
  • of dr hab. Agnieszka Tomas, which will result in an article on the groundbreaking discovery at the Roman legionary camp and late antique town of Novae, as well as a promotional campaign in online media, an outdoor exhibition and two lectures,
  • of dr hab. Adriana Mica concerning the preparation of short films to popularise the results of research and the development of studies on ignorance and failure.