III.3.2. Promotion of scientific research in the public domain – 5th edition “Paris”
This competition has ended. Go to the parent page, to check the current competitions.
Call for competition
- Name: Promotion of scientific research in the public domain – 5th edition
- Objective: to select research projects which are being implemented at the University of Warsaw, and whose popularisation will lead to the increased visibility of the University of Warsaw
- Applicant: 1) an individual employee employed at the University of Warsaw, or an employee employed at the University of Warsaw representing a research team, who in the years 2019-2023 conducted scientific work and obtained the results of this research; or 2) an employee employed at the University of Warsaw representing a scientific unit of the University of Warsaw
- Competition announcement date: 05.06.2023
- Starting date of the call for applications: 05.06.2023
- End date of the call for applications:
01.09.202306.10.2023 - Announcement of the results: no later than
22.09.202303.11.2023 (this deadline may be extended in the event of a large number of applications) - Competition budget: 100,000 PLN
- Project budget: max. 20,000 PLN in co-financing from IDUB, own contribution is allowed
- Form of submitting applications: only in electronic form, to the address konkursy.idub@uw.edu.pl
Grant competition rulesSelection committeeResults
Grant competition rules
Note № 2:
The call for applications has been extended until 06.10.2023.
As a result, the October 2023 term of the implementation of the project indicated in field A5 of the application form is cancelled.
Note № 1:
Due to changes in the work schedule of the Sorbonne Université, the proposed dates for the project have been corrected: 18-19.04.2024 → 25-26.04.2024.
Please take these changes in your project.
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- dr Zuzanna Toeplitz – Faculty of Psychology, Chairperson
- prof. Renata Włoch – Faculty of Sociology
- dr Takao Ishikawa – Faculty of Biology
- dr hab. Agnieszka Biernacka – Faculty of Applied Linguistics
- dr hab. Jacek Szczytko, prof. ucz. – Faculty of Physics
- Karolina Głowacka – science and technology journalist
- dr hab. Iwona Pugacewicz, prof. ucz. – Director of the Centre of Polish Culture (Centre de civilisation polonaise) in France
By the decision of the Programme Manager, the following applications received funding:
- applicant: prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Wichrowska (Center for Research on Culture of Warsaw)
project title: „Francuzi w Warszawie (Les Français à Varsovie)” - applicant: dr Zofia Wóycicka (Faculty of Sociology)
project title: „Pomoc udzielana Żydom podczas II wojny światowej a proces kształtowanie się transnarodowej pamięci społecznej / Help delivered to Jews during World War II and Transnational Memory in the Making” - applicant: dr hab. Tomasz Waliszewski, prof. ucz. (Faculty of Archeology)
project title: „Musti w Afryce Prokonsularnej. Popularyzacja badań archeologicznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego we francuskim środowisku akademickim” - applicant: dr hab. Dobrochna Zielińska (Faculty of Archeology)
project title: „Kultura średniowiecznej Nubii na Wydziale Archeologii UW. Unikatowa dziedzina nauki i dydaktyki” - applicant: dr Tomasz Rawski (Faculty of Sociology)
project title: „Kabul – symboliczna przestrzeń miasta. Wystawa fotografii w Bibliotece Polskiej w Paryżu” - applicant: dr Katarzyna Suski Grabowski (Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling)
project title: „Historia superkomputerów na UW” - applicant: dr Marcin Bogucki (Faculty of Polish Studies)
project title: „Promocja badań nad Konkursem Chopinowskim” - applicant: dr hab. Andrzej Szeptycki (Faculty of Political Science and International Studies)
project title: „Współczesne stosunki polsko-ukraińskie [seria wykładów]” - applicant: dr hab. Krzysztof Tomaszewski, prof. ucz. (Faculty of Political Science and International Studies)
project title: „Energia i klimat – globalne wyzwania dla Polski i Unii Europejskiej”