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III.3.2. Promotion of scientific research in the public domain – 6th edition

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Call for competition

  • Name: Promotion of scientific research in the public domain – 6th edition
  • Objective: to select research projects which are being implemented at the University of Warsaw, and whose popularisation will lead to the increased visibility of the University of Warsaw, its employees, and its scientific enquiries; the subject of the funding is the implementation of a project aimed at promoting research results in the form of a lecture, a presentation, a workshop, an article, a publication, a book, a podcast, a blog, a website or other
  • Applicant: a doctoral student of the University of Warsaw studying at a doctoral school of the University who carried out scientific work during 2019-2023 and obtained research results
  • Competition announcement date: 04.07.2024
  • Starting date of the call for applications: 08.07.2024
  • End date of the call for applications: 13.09.2024, godz. 15:00
  • Announcement of the results: no later than 18.10.2024 (this deadline may be extended in the event of a large number of applications)
  • Competition budget: 150,000 PLN
  • Project budget: max. 20,000 PLN in co-financing from IDUB, own contribution is allowed
  • Form of submitting applications: only in electronic form, to the address konkursy.idub@uw.edu.pl
Grant competition rulesFAQSelection committeeResults

Grant competition rules

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Yes, provided that the doctoral student will be employed at the University and the cost is included in the project budget and is reasonable and incurred in accordance with the principles of of obtaining the best results from given expenditures.

Yes, provided that they have been established in compliance with UW regulations.

Points 1., 3. and 4. are mandatory. Regarding point 2. it should be added that the indicated report can be an internal report developed, for example, within a research group. However, with regard to the publication (point 5.), this is an optional condition. It should be remembered that the application is evaluated by the Competition Commission as a whole and the lack of an entered publication can be compensated by other arguments.

  • dr Zuzanna Toeplitz – Faculty of Psychology, Chairperson
  • prof. Renata Włoch – Faculty of Sociology
  • dr Takao Ishikawa – Faculty of Biology
  • dr hab. Agnieszka Biernacka – Faculty of Applied Linguistics
  • dr hab. Jacek Szczytko, prof. ucz. – Faculty of Physics

By the decision of the Programme Manager, the following applications received funding:

  • Title of the project: Dzień z Egzoplanetami
    Applicant: Mateusz Mróz, Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences, Astronomical Observatory
    Allocated funds: 19 700,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: BELLA CIAŁO. Popularyzacja wyników badań nad obrazem ciała u dzieci i młodzieży: Rola relacji z rodzicami, samooceny i mediów
    Applicant: Karolina Kubicka, Doctoral School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Psychology
    Allocated funds: 20 00,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Social Senior – kompleksowe działania procmocyjne (raport popularno-naukowy, podcast, warsztaty dla seniorów oraz promocja w mediach)
    Applicant: Ksenia Wróblewska, Doctoral School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies
    Allocated funds: 20 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Podcast na temat narcyzmu i inteligencji
    Applicant: Maria Leniarska, Doctoral School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Psychology
    Allocated funds: 14 500,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Wykład i warsztaty popularyzacyjne dotyczące kulturowych koncepcji chorób i zaburzeń psychicznych w Indonezji
    Applicant: Anna Skiba, Doctoral School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Sociology
    Allocated funds: 12 645,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Strona internetowa poświęcona popularyzacji wyników badań kleszczy żerujących na skórze człowieka w Polsce
    Applicant: Julia Koczwarska, Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Biology
    Allocated funds: 9 550,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Światy nie z tej Ziemi
    Applicant: Mateusz Mróz, Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences, Astronomical Observatory
    Allocated funds: 15 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Wytworzenie materiałów promocyjnych oraz przygotowanie bloga poświęconego prezentacji oraz promocji wybranych projektów naukowych realizowanych przez zespół Laboratorium Badań Medioznawczych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
    Applicant: Adam Balcerzak, Doctoral School of Social Sciences, Faculty of Journalism, Information and Book Studies
    Allocated funds: 20 000,00 PLN