New Ideas 3A in Priority Research Area II
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Call for competition
- Name of the competition: New Ideas 3A in Priority Research Area II
- Objective: support research projects which are thematically related to POB (Priority Research Area) II
- Thematic area of the projects:
- Applicant: an employee of the University of Warsaw, who has the status of a young scientist i.e., holds a doctoral degree, obtained no longer than 7 years before the announcement of the competition; is among the N-classified employees; conducts research in the field of POB II, in accordance with the subject of the submitted application
- Date of competition announcement: 27.04.2023
- Start date for the call for proposals: 27.04.2023
- Closing date for the call for proposals:
02.06.202305.06.2023 - The competition results will be announced by: 30.06.2023 (this deadline may be extended in the case of a large number of applications)
- Competition budget: 700,000 PLN
- Project budget: 30,000 – 100,000 PLN
- How to apply: only electronically to the following address
Competition rulesSelection committeeResults
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- prof. Katarzyna Chałasińska-Macukow, Faculty of Physics – Chairperson
- prof. Jerzy Lewandowski, Faculty of Physics
- dr hab. Maciej Molas, Faculty of Physics
- dr hab. Bartosz Trzaskowski, Centre of New Technologies
- dr hab. Krzysztof Wohlfeld, prof. UW, Faculty of Physics
By the decision of the Programme Manager, the following applications received funding:
- Title of the project: Zastosowanie sztucznych sieci neuronowych do projektowania układów neuromorficznych realizowanych przy użyciu kwantowych cieczy światła
Applicant: dr inż. Andrzej Opala, Faculty of Physics
Allocated funds: 96 400,00 PLN PLN - Title of the project: Poszukiwanie fal grawitacyjnych ze wczesnego Wszechświata w obliczu tła obiektów astrofizycznych
Applicant: dr hab. Marek Lewicki, Faculty of Physics
Allocated funds: 60 000,00 PLN PLN - Title of the project: PICAR ATRP w rozpuszczalnikach organicznych
Applicant: dr Grzegorz Szczepaniak, Faculty of Chemistry
Allocated funds: 100 000,00 PLN PLN - Title of the project: Generacja wiązek światła o orbitalnym momencie pędu przez mikrownęki optyczne z defektami w ciekłokrystalicznej sieci
Applicant: dr inż. Piotr Kapuściński, Faculty of Physics
Allocated funds: 99 310,00 PLN PLN - Title of the project: Wpływ naświetlania DUV na wzrost i właściwości epitaksjalnego azotku boru
Applicant: dr Aleksandra Dąbrowska, Faculty of Physics
Allocated funds: 67 100,00 PLN PLN - Title of the project: Wpływ kwantowej grawitacji na fizykę cząstek
Applicant: dr Jan Kwapisz, Faculty of Physics
Allocated funds: 75 000,00 PLN PLN - Title of the project: Ultracienkie siatki podfalowe na bazie dichalkogenków
Applicant: dr Emilia Pruszyńska-Karbownik, Faculty of Physics
Allocated funds: 99 731,38PLN PLN