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New Ideas 3B in Priority Research Area III

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Call for competition

  • Name of the competition: New Ideas 3B in Priority Research Area III
  • Objective: support research projects which are thematically related to POB (Priority Research Area) III
  • Thematic area of the projects: https://inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl/en/actions/areas/pob3/
  • Applicant: an employee of the University of Warsaw, who has at least a PhD degree, which has been obtained at least 7 years before the date of announcement of the competition, is among the N-classified employees; conducts research in the field of POB III, in accordance with the subject of the submitted application
  • Date of competition announcement: 25.11.2022
  • Start date for the call for proposals: 25.11.2022
  • Closing date for the call for proposals: 09.01.2023
  • The competition results will be announced by: 10.02.2023 (this deadline may be extended in the case of a large number of applications)
  • Competition budget: 720,000 PLN
  • Project budget: 30,000 – 120,000 PLN
  • How to apply: only electronically to the following address noweidee.pob3@uw.edu.pl
Competition rulesSelection committeeResults

Rules of the competition

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  • dr hab. Katarzyna Kopczewska, prof.ucz., Faculty of Economic Sciences – Chairperson
  • dr hab. Marek Cygan, prof.ucz., Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
  • dr Katarzyna Mazowiecka, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
  • dr Piotr Hofman, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
  • dr hab. Błażej Miasojedow, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
  • dr Oskar Skibski, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics

By the decision of the Programme Manager, the following applications received funding:

  • Title of the project: Geometryczne podejście do równań różniczkowych zwyczajnych
    Applicant: dr hab. Galina Filipiuk, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
    Allocated funds: 60 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Analiza determinantów wiarygodności banku centralnego na podstawie wielowymiarowych danych
    Applicant: dr hab. Joanna Mackiewicz-Łyziak, Faculty of Economic Sciences
    Allocated funds: 67 290,37 PLN
  • Title of the project: Asymptotyka dla równania p-Laplace’a
    Applicant: dr hab. Iwona Chlebicka, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
    Allocated funds: 111 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Bezwymiarowe oszacowania dla operatorów maksymalnych
    Applicant: prof. dr hab. Adam Osękowski, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
    Allocated funds: 57 244,60 PLN
  • Title of the project: Maximal regularity approach to complex flows
    Applicant: dr Tomasz Piasecki, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
    Allocated funds: 82 218,50 PLN
  • Title of the project: Równania kinetyczne w opisie zjawisk samoorganizacji
    Applicant: prof. Mirosław Lachowicz , Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
    Allocated funds: 101 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Efektywność rynku kryptowalut. Zastosowania głębokiego uczenia w algorytmicznym środdziennym handlu
    Applicant: dr hab. Piotr Wójcik, Faculty of Economic Sciences
    Allocated funds: 119 747,78 PLN
  • Title of the project: Problemy odwrotne dla modeli wzrostu tkanki
    Applicant: dr Zuzanna Szymańska, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modelling
    Allocated funds: 120 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Subordynacja dla blokowych operatorów Jacobiego. Teoria spektralna samosprzężonych operatorów skończenie cyklicznych i wstęp do przestrzeni typu L^2 od miar macierzowych
    Applicant: dr hab. Marcin Moszyński, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
    Allocated funds: 119 932,20 PLN
  • Title of the project: Złożoność dowodzenia konstruktywnego w kontekście programowania i rozwijania matematyki
    Applicant: dr hab. Aleksy Szubert, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics
    Allocated funds: 108 862,17 PLN