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New Ideas 3B in Priority Research Area IV

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Call for competition

  • Name of the competition: New Ideas 3B in Priority Research Area IV
  • Objective: support research projects which are thematically related to POB (Priority Research Area) IV
  • Thematic area of the projects: https://inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl/en/actions/areas/pob4/
  • Applicant: an employee of the University of Warsaw, who holds at least a doctoral degree, obtained at least 7 years before the announcement of the competition, is among the N-number of employees, conducts research in the field of POB IV, in accordance with the subject of the submitted application
  • Date of competition announcement: 16.11.2022
  • Start date for the call for proposals: 16.11.2022
  • Closing date for the call for proposals: 25.01.2023
  • The competition results will be announced by: 08.03.2023 (this deadline may be extended in the case of a large number of applications)
  • Competition budget: 800,000 PLN
  • Project budget: 30,000 – 100,000 PLN
  • How to apply: only electronically to the following address noweidee.pob4@uw.edu.pl
Competition rulesFAQSelection committeeResults
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According to Ordinance No. 72, the project manager is a main contractor if he/she is receiving remuneration for over 6 months, or an auxiliary contractor when receiving remuneration for up to 6 months. Members of the research team and the people with administrative functions in the project have a contractor role, in the meaning of the above-mentioned Ordinance.

Ordinance No. 72 does not regulate the remuneration rates for new employees of the University of Warsaw; when preparing a cost estimate for a project, one should primarily adhere to the principle of rationality and efficiency in expenses.

The base rates for remuneration must be approved by the Programme Manager

Civil law contracts are treated as the purchase of services or goods from external entities and should be carried out in accordance with the public procurement regulations of the organisational unit in which the project is implemented.

Doctoral candidates and students cannot receive supplementary remuneration if they are not UW employees. In order for a student or doctoral candidate to receive remuneration, he or she must be employed under an employment contract. It is also possible to conclude a civil law contract for a performing a service or creating a work, in accordance with the regulations in force at the unit in which the project is carried out, and general provisions, including Public Procurement Law.

There is no such limitation.

Yes, as long as it is substantively justified. The rules of the competition do not include any restrictions in this regard.

Eligible costs

The principles of remunerating people participating in research as part of research projects are regulated by the Bursar’s Notice No. 6/2020 from 8 October 2020 (along with amendments introduced in Notice No. 1/2021) on the implementation of the remuneration settlement procedure, for people participating in studies as part of research projects.

“Small equipment” should be understood as small laboratory equipment and other devices, if they are not included in tangible assets, in accordance with accounting rules (policy) (Ordinance No. 94 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw from 9 September 2019, on the Principles for the recognition of assets as fixed assets, intangible assets and legal assets, and the methods of their amortisation and inventory.).

In case of doubts as to how a given purchase will be qualified, please consult the persons responsible for the records of fixed assets in the unit where the project is to be implemented.

The costs of publishing research results include all costs related to the publication of research, which are necessary for the achievement of project objectives.

The costs of internal services are eligible in the competition, but they are allowed only when they relate to settlements between UW units, as a reimbursement of actual incurred costs. In case of purchasing a comprehensive service from another UW unit, it is necessary to provide a calculation of the expenditures which comprise the cost of such a service. The cost eligibility assessment should be made on the basis of Annex 3 to the competition rules, and in particular fulfill its premise: a cost is admissible, provided that “it is necessary and was incurred in relation to the implementation of the project”.

Application Form

It is permissible to send the application:
1) in the form of a PDF file, as scans of documents signed in a traditional way; such a file may be supplemented with electronic signatures, if not all of the signatures have been submitted in the traditional form;
2) as a PDF file with electronic signatures.

It is not permissible to scan printed documents which were previously bearing an electronic signature.

The provisions of art. 4 subsection 2 of Ordinance No. 279 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw from 10.12.2020 are applicable, provided that the confirmation submitted by University email (referred to in the above Ordinance) clearly defines the subject of the confirmation.

The consent of the head of the organisational unit should be given in the form of a signature, in the appropriate field of the application.

It is permissible to send the application:
1) in the form of a PDF file, as scans of documents signed in a traditional way; such a file may be supplemented with electronic signatures, if not all of the signatures have been submitted in the traditional form;
2) as a PDF file with electronic signatures.

It is not permissible to scan printed documents which were previously bearing an electronic signature.

The provisions of art. 4 subsection 2 of Ordinance No. 279 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw from 10.12.2020 are applicable, provided that the confirmation submitted by University email (referred to in the above Ordinance) clearly defines the subject of the confirmation.

The application form does not require a description of all future members of the research team. For each member of the research team, only the first name, surname, affiliation and role in the team should be provided. The selection committee will evaluate the application on the basis of the competences of the project manager, first of all. The anticipated employment of team members during the project should be indicated in the description of planned activities. In the event that the project manager plans to recruit team members in the future, it will be enough to describe the most important qualifications of future team members and include the remuneration costs of these team members in the cost estimate for the project.

It is not necessary to indicate the specific titles of journals and names of publishers in which the publication of articles and monographs is planned. Identifying specific journals in which the publication of articles will be planned may have a positive impact on the assessment of the application, including whether the effect contributes to the IDUB indicators.

This point should describe all activities which are to be implemented during the project which were not included in the other points of the description (e.g., those that are not related to the research methodology).

The cost estimate should be prepared in such a way that it is transparent and assessable to the selection committee. For this reason, it is suggested that larger costs be presented on a per unit basis.

The Applicant

Research team members can be beneficiaries in the current edition of the competition. The beneficiary cannot be the project manager of a project co-financed in the previous edition of the competition.

Yes, both the project manager of a project co-financed in the previous edition of the competition, as well as members of the research teams of these projects, may participate in the work by research teams on projects in the current edition of the competition.

A sabbatical leave is not an obstacle when applying to a competition, if the specific regulations of a given leave do not preclude doing so.

No, the manager of the research team can only be a person who holds at least a doctoral degree.

Yes, foreigners may submit projects, if they meet the conditions listed in par. 6. The competition documentation is available in English.

Project implementation

In accordance with par. 9, item 4 of the Rules, all transfers of funds between cost estimate categories must first be approved by the Programme Manager. Changes among cost types within a cost category do not require the consent of the Programme Manager. Changes should only be made in justified and necessary cases and must not have a negative impact on the achievement of the project objectives.


Yes. There is no impediment to allocating the funds to cover the costs of a project which is being carried out by researchers from different organisational units, in accordance with the cost estimate.

  • prof. dr hab. Justyna Olko, Faculty of “Artes Liberales” – chairman of the commission
  • prof. ucz. dr hab. Anna Cetera-Włodarczyk, Faculty of Modern Languages
  • dr hab. Olga Drewnowska-Rymarz, Faculty of Oriental Studies
  • dr hab. Markus Eberharter, Faculty of Applied Linguistics
  • prof. ucz. oraz dr hab. Jan Kozłowski, Faculty of Polish Studies
  • dr hab. Grzegorz Pac, Faculty of History
  • dr hab. Katarzyna Sadkowska, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”
  • dr hab. Agata Ulanowska, Faculty of Archeology
  • dr hab. Anna Wolińska, Faculty of Philosophy

By the decision of the Programme Manager, the following applications received funding:

  • Title of the project: Mózgowe podłoże przetwarzania symboli językowych
    Applicant: Prof. dr hab. Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi , Faculty of Psychology
    Allocated funds: 99 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Zoara od epoki brazu do mameluków. Wstęp do badań
    Applicant: Dr Dagmara Wielgosz-Rondolino, Faculty of Archeology
    Allocated funds: 99 312,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Interdyscyplinarne badania substancji zapachowych z Fenicji w okresach hellenistycznym i wczesnorzymskim. Identyfikacja organicznej zawartości w unguentaria i amphoriskoi produkowanych w Tyrze.
    Applicant: Dr Urszula Wicenciak-Núñez, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology
    Allocated funds: 76 413,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Zwrot fantastyczny w literaturze polskiej. W poszukiwaniu sposobów opisania świata
    Applicant: Dr hab. Przemysław Kordos, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”
    Allocated funds: 48 700,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Plastyczne udomowienie: optyka plastyczności jako metodologia badawcza literackich przedstawień gatunków stowarzyszonych
    Applicant: Dr hab. Justyna Włodarczyk , Faculty of Modern Languages
    Allocated funds: 79 474,40 PLN
  • Title of the project: Rola wydobycia miedzi w kształtowaniu osadnictwa na terenie północnego Omanu w epoce brązu. Archeologiczne i geologiczne badania w górskim regionie Qumayrah
    Applicant: Dr Agnieszka Pieńkowska, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology
    Allocated funds: 84 346,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Aktywizm antyaborcyjny w późnym PRL-u i po przełomie 1989 r.: transnarodowe i lokalne aspekty działania ruchu społecznego
    Applicant: Dr hab. Sylwia Kuźma-Markowska, American Studies Center
    Allocated funds: 71 586,70 PLN
  • Title of the project: Jak zmierzyć automatyczność i refleksyjność emocji?
    Applicant: Prof. dr hab. Anna Szuster, Faculty of Psychology
    Allocated funds: 83 300,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Zderzenie klasyfikacji: nowożytna ikonografia roślin i zwierząt wobec współczesnej taksonomii
    Applicant: Prof. dr hab. Grażyna Jurkowlaniec, Faculty of Culture and Arts
    Allocated funds: 100 000,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Pamięć o deindustrializacji: Autobiograficzne narracje europejskich związkowców
    Applicant: Dr hab. Joanna Wawrzyniak, Faculty of Sociology
    Allocated funds: 87 740,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Osadzeni w Sioux Sanatorium: sanatorium dla indiańskich pacjentów jako strefa koprodukcji wiedzy medycznej
    Applicant: Dr hab. Joanna Ziarkowska, Faculty of Modern Languages
    Allocated funds: 82 300,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Miejska sielanka: ekokrytyczne wyobrażenia w literaturze afroamerykańskiej XXI wieku
    Applicant: Dr hab. Anna Pochmara-Ryżko, Faculty of Modern Languages
    Allocated funds: 73 646,00 PLN
  • Title of the project: Wojna i medycyna. Lekarze w walce z epidemiami dżumy w południowo-zachodnich guberniach Rosji w latach 1770-1812.
    Applicant: Dr Olga Gaidai, Faculty of History
    Allocated funds: 79 731,38 PLN
  • Title of the project: Reprezentacje klas ludowych we współczesnej polskiej kulturze wizualnej
    Applicant: Dr Magda Szcześniak, Faculty of Polish Studies
    Allocated funds: 89 000,00 PLN