Three projects for a total amount of PLN 127,832.16 received project funding for strengthening scientific cooperation between the University of Warsaw and the 4EU+ Alliance member universities. (more…)
The objective of the competition is to strengthen scientific and research cooperation between the University of Warsaw and the 4EU+ Alliance member universities through the implementation of joint research projects ...
Four inter-university research teams have received co-financing as part of the second competition for mini-grants, funded by IDUB. The teams will carry out projects associated which are thematically related to ...
We would like to inform you that the call for proposals in Action II.1.1 „Mini-grants programme for inter-institutional research teams in the framework of strategic partnerships” has been extended until ...
Research teams from 4EU+ alliance universities can apply for mini-grants for scientific initiatives undertaken in the four flagship areas of the 4EU+ alliance. Mini-grants will be funded through the 'Initiative ...
Five teams of scientists from 4EU+ Alliance universities received funding as part of a pilot competition for UW mini-grants. The groups of researchers will implement projects on 4EU+ Flagship 2 ...
Teams of researchers from the 4EU+ Alliance universities can apply for mini-grants for scientific initiatives under Flagship 2: “Europe in a changing world: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and ...
A timetable of calls is now available for the competitions that will be launched by the end of 2020, as part of the activities under the “Excellence Initiative”. (more…)