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Category: Results

What were biady?

Category: III.3.2, Results

Biady are part of Poland's intangible cultural heritage, and thanks to the research of Maciej Talaga of the Faculty of “Artes Liberales”, we have the opportunity to save them from ...

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Accreditation of UW laboratories

Category: I.4.1, Results

Taking into account the very high assessment of substantive competence and the fulfilment of all formal requirements for accredited laboratories, the Polish Centre for Accreditation has granted accreditation to two ...

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A Day with the Milky Way

Category: III.3.2, Results

A “Day with the Milky Way” was held at the UW Astronomical Observatory on July 29. The program of the event consisted of workshops and lectures prepared, among others, by ...

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After the THE conference

Category: Events, II.4.1, Results

At the beginning of July, an international conference titled “Beyond resilience: How European higher education is preparing for the future” was held at the University of Warsaw. The event was ...

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