I.3.11. Organization and launching of the research project: Ancient Societies in Action (ASA) – 5th edition
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Call for competition
- Name: CRAC Small Grants – 5th edition
- Objective: support activities that will contribute to the improvement of the quality of research and publications on antiquity, as well as to strengthen foreign contacts and the international position of the University of Warsaw in the field of research on antiquity
- Applicant: employees and PhD students of the UW engaged in research activities and affiliating their publications to PBN at the UW
- Project budget: up to 30,000 PLN
- Competition budget: 90,000 PLN
- Date of competition announcement: 29.11.2021
- Start date for the call for proposals: 29.11.2021
- Closing date for the call for proposals: 31.12.2021
- Closing date for the call for proposals: up to 15.02.2022
- Deadline for projects that receive funding: up to 15.02.2023
- How to apply: only electronically to the following address crac@uw.edu.pl
The deadline for applications for the next round of the competition is expected to be 31.03.2022.
Regulations for Awarding CRAC Small Grants
- The funds awarded under the Small Grants of the Center for Research on Ancient Civilizations at the University of Warsaw (hereinafter referred to as “grants”) are intended to support activities that will contribute to the improvement of the quality of research and publications on antiquity, as well as to strengthen foreign contacts and the international position of the University of Warsaw in the field of research on antiquity.
- The following may apply for grants:
- employees working in research, teaching and research, and scientific and technical positions, whose primary workplace is the University of Warsaw,
- PhD students at the University of Warsaw, under the supervision of an academic tutor.
- Grants are awarded on a competitive basis.
- Each applicant may submit only one project in a given round of the competition. Applying in one round does not exclude the possibility of applying in subsequent rounds.
- Only activities of researchers affiliated with the University of Warsaw may be the subject of the application.
- Grants may not be applied for by persons performing functions in the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme, members of the POB IV Management Committee, the Programme Manager of IDUB, members of the committee for Action I.3.11 Ancient Societies in Action / Center for Research on Ancient Civilizations (ASA/CRAC), or members of the selection committee.
- The maximum amount of financing for a single grant is specified in each opening announcement for a given edition of the competition.
- The scope of activities submitted for funding must be of a scientific nature. Grants may not finance educational and popular science activities. Examples of project categories:
- short research internship (e.g., to complete an article or grant application);
- support for publications in leading journals and publishing houses (typesetting, proofreading, purchase of copyrights for illustrations);
- organisation of conferences, workshops, and seminars;
- organisation of sessions as part of important conferences;
- visits by foreign researchers.
- Grant applications should be submitted in accordance with the example provided in the announcement, and by the stated deadline. The announcement (along with the Regulations) will be published on the website of CRAC (www.crac.uw.edu.pl) and IDUB (inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl).
- Applications submitted using a form other than the one indicated in the announcement will be returned for completion.
- Applications submitted before or after the dates given in the announcement will not be considered.
- Grant applications are assessed by a selection committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”), whose chairperson and members are appointed by the IDUB Programme Manager. Researchers on antiquity with at least a doctoral degree and significant scientific achievements may be appointed as members of the Committee.
- The Chairperson of the Committee shall exclude a member during the evaluation of a given application, in the event of a conflict of interest with respect to the assessment of that application, and in particular if the member:
- the committee member is a spouse, relative, or in-law to the second degree of the applicant;
- the committee member is related to an applicant through adoption, custody, or guardianship;
- the committee member has an existing legal or factual relationship with an applicant which may give rise to justifiable doubts as to the committee member’s impartiality, including when the applicant is the supervisor or subordinate of a member of the Selection Committee, or they are in another form of employment relationship.
- there are other important circumstances which may give rise to reasonable doubts as to his or her professionalism, impartiality, or objectivity in assessing the application.
- A committee member will inform the Committee of any special circumstances, such as those referred to in para. 13.
- A Committee member who has been excluded from the evaluation process of a given applicant will not take part in scoring that person’s application and will leave the room during the deliberations of the Committee. The exclusion of a Committee member during the scoring of a particular application will be noted in the minutes from the meeting, along with a statement of the reason for that member’s exclusion.
- The Chairperson performs a formal evaluation of an application before it is given to the Committee. An application that does not meet the requirements specified in the competition Regulations will not be assessed. As well, incomplete applications will not be considered. The Chairperson will ask an applicant who has submitted an incomplete application to rectify it within 7 days of the date of sending the request; otherwise, the application shall be rejected.
- Each member of the Committee awards a given application from 0 to 100 points, assessing:
- the scientific value of the project (max. 50 points);
- its compliance with the assumptions of Action I.3.11 ASA/CRAC and the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” (IDUB) Programme (max. 5 points);
- ratio of financial outlays to the scientific results (max. 20 points);
- project feasibility, taking into account the applicant’s achievements to date (max. 25 points).
- The Committee may meet in person or online. The provisions of Ordinance No. 94 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw from 12 May 2020, on the Rules for holding meetings of bodies and collegial entities of the University of Warsaw and other bodies, with the use of electronic communication tools (UW Monitor from 2020, item 200) shall apply accordingly.
- The Committee draws up a ranking list based on the average score awarded. The Committee’s score is the final average of the individual scores given by each of the members of the Committee. Funds will be awarded to the highest-ranked projects, based on the scores on the ranking list, until the competition budget is exhausted; only applications with at least 70 points may receive funding.
- Minutes of the Selection Committee meetings are prepared.
- Administrative support for the Committee is provided by the Faculty of History at the University of Warsaw.
- The Committee may recommend that the applications from the ranking list be awarded the full amount of funding or that the amount be reduced to no less than 60% of the funding requested.
- The date for the settlement of the competition is indicated in each competition announcement. The results are published on the website of the IDUB Programme inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl and Action I.3.11 ASA/CRAC www.crac.uw.edu.pl.
- Applicants will be informed by email about applications qualifying or not qualifying for financing, after the IDUB Programme Manager has approved the list. An applicant has the right to appeal against the decision
- In the event of a breach of the provisions of these Regulations, the Applicant has the right to contact the Coordinator of the Action at the address crac@uw.edu.pl, and request a reconsideration of the case, within 7 days of the date of publication of the list of projects accepted for financing by the IDUB Programme Manager, on the website of Action I.3.11 ASA/CRAC (www.crac.uw.edu.pl) The ASA/CRAC Coordinator, after consultation with the chairperson of the selection committee and a member of the CRAC Council, will decide whether to accept or reject the appeal, within 30 days of the filing of the appeal.
- The ranking lists and the results of the competition are public and will be published on the IDUB website (inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl), and that of the CRAC (www.crac.uw.edu.pl).
- The project must be implemented within one year of the award decision date.
- The beneficiary must submit a report on its implementation to the Coordinator of Action I.3.11 ASA/CRAC within 30 days of the end of the project implementation. The report should include: a substantive report and a financial report. The report is signed by the beneficiary, the bursar’s representative at the organisational unit of the University of Warsaw where the project was implemented, and the Dean or head of the organisational unit at the University of Warsaw where the project was implemented.
- Unused funds allocated to the project are to be settled within 30 days of the end of the project.
- In special cases, at the beneficiary’s request, and with the approval of the Coordinator of Action I.3.11 (ASA/CRAC), the IDUB Programme Manager may agree to extend the project implementation period. The beneficiary must apply for such consent at least 7 days before the original project completion date.
- Until the date of publication of the list of applications which have been awarded co-financing, the Programme Manager reserves the right to cancel the competition in justified cases, without stating the reason. Information about the cancellation of the competition will be posted on the IDUB website.
- For matters not covered by these Regulations, binding laws will be applicable.
- These Regulations come into force on the date of their announcement.
Eligible and ineligible costs
Ineligible costs
- costs of ensuring infrastructure, its creation, adjustment, or maintenance (e.g., of computers);
- costs of hiring employees, remuneration for the project manager;
- expenses related to completing the application for funding;
- double-funded expenditures;
- expenses not included in the approved application for funding;
- expenditures incurred before the date of the co-funding award decision;
- specialised publications / scientific and professional aids;
Eligible costs
Costs may be considered eligible if all of the following conditions are met:
- it was actually incurred during the period when the project was taking place;
- it complies with applicable laws;
- it has been included in the approved application;
- it is necessary and was incurred in relation to the implementation of the project;
- has been made in a transparent, rational, and effective manner;
- it has been duly documented;
- it was incurred in accordance with the provisions of Public Procurement Law;
- it was incurred in accordance with Art. 44 section 3 of the Public Finance Act;
- it is not an ineligible cost.
Eligible costs are those consistent with applicable accounting principles, the principles of sound financial management, and applied practices (accounting policy).
Evaluation criteria for applications
Total score: 0-100 points
- compliance with the premises of the competition (5 points)
- yes (5)
- no (0)
- scientific value of the project (50 points)
- outstanding (40-50)
- very high (30-39)
- high (20-29)
- average (10–19)
- poor (0–9)
- the effect and the amount of expenditure (15 points)
- outstanding (16–20)
- very good (12–15)
- good (8-11)
- average (4-7)
- poor (0-3)
- project feasibility in the context of the Applicant’s competencies and achievements (25 points)*
- very high (21–25)
- high (15-20)
- good (10-14)
- average (5-9)
- poor (0–4)
* In 2021, taking into account the conditions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Application form
- download (MS Word, < 1 MB)
By the decision of the Programme Manager, the following applications received funding:
- Julia Borczyńska, Faculty of History, Spotkanie warsztatowe i kwerenda biblioteczna w Kolonii i Bonn w ramach badań nad pracą doktorską poświęconą roli epigraficznej poezji pseudodamazjańskiej w ideologicznej kontynuacji kreowania przestrzeni miejskiej Rzymu w IV-VI wieku
- Dr. Mariusz Gwiazda, Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, ‘Marea’ (mod. Huwwariya): a town built in Late Antiquity on the shore of Lake Mareotis
- Anna Kordas, Faculty of Culture and Arts, Sporządzenie dokumentacji fotogrametrycznej oraz modeli 3D elementów architektonicznych do publikacji „Architectural decoration and masons’ marks of the agora of Amathus in Cyprus”
- Dr. Marcin Matera, Faculty of Archaeology, Dokumentacja i inwentaryzacja poźno-scytyjskich grodzisk dolnego Naddnieprza
- Radosław Miśkiewicz, Faculty of Law and Administration/Doctoral School of Humanities, Kwerenda w bibliotekach ateńskich (American School of Classical Studies at Athens, British School at Athens, Ecole francaise d’Athens)
- Prof. Łukasz Niesiołowski-Spanò, Faculty of History, Udział w konferencji: European Association of Biblical Studies, Tuluza 3–7.07.2022
- Dr. Paweł Nowakowski, Faculty of History, Dofinansowanie organizacji trzech sesji pt. ‘Languages as Barriers, Languages as Bridges: Intra- and Inter-Lingual Negotiations across Ethnical, Political, Religious, Social, Cultural, and Gender Boundaries in the Late Antique and Medieval Mediterranean I-III’ w ramach International Medieval Congress, Leeds 2022