Mini-grants for interuniversity research teams in strategic partnerships

15 06 2020
Category: Calls for proposals, II.1.1
Teams of researchers from the 4EU+ Alliance universities can apply for mini-grants for scientific initiatives under Flagship 2: “Europe in a changing world: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and languages”, and those that address the social, economic and cultural consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mini-grants will be funded through the “Excellence Initiative” (IDUB). Applications must be submitted by 15 July.
Members of the academic community at the University of Warsaw – academics, doctoral students, and students – may be part of the interuniversity research teams who may apply for university mini-grants to carry out joint projects in the areas of Flagship 2. Apart from representatives of UW, the teams must also include members from at least two other 4EU+ Alliance universities.
Using a mini-grant (of a maximum of 10,000 €) – it is possible to finance preliminary or pilot studies, research queries, access to research infrastructure or proofreading services, among other things.
The projects must be in accordance with the 4EU+ mission and Flagship 2 topics, and should incorporate the current challenges for Europe and the world, e.g., the migration crisis, the issue of ageing populations, the use of “big data” and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A single application may be used to apply for one mini-grant. The maximum funding period is 12 months. The electronic application form will be available by 19 June.
The deadline for submitting applications is 15 July. The results of the competition will be announced on 3 August.