The second instalment of the competition for interuniversity research teams from 4EU+ Alliance universities has begun

16 09 2020
Category: Calls for proposals, II.1.1
Research teams from 4EU+ alliance universities can apply for mini-grants for scientific initiatives undertaken in the four flagship areas of the 4EU+ alliance. Mini-grants will be funded through the ‘Initiative of Excellence’ (IDUB) programme. Applications must be submitted electronically by 5 November 2020.
The objective of the competition is to strengthen the scientific cooperation between the University of Warsaw and the 4EU+ Alliance universities, through the implementation of joint research projects in the four flagship areas of the Alliance:
- Flagship 1: Health and demographic change in an urban environment
- Flagship 2: Europe in a changing world: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and languages
- Flagship 3: Transforming science and society: Advancing information, computation and communication
- Flagship 4: Biodiversity and sustainable development
Representatives of the academic community of the University of Warsaw – scholars, doctoral candidate, and students – may become members of interuniversity research teams that apply for University mini-grants, in order to carry out joint projects. In addition to representatives from the University of Warsaw, each team must include representatives from at least two other 4EU+ Alliance universities.
One of the conditions for entering the competition is to prepare a project application – based on the activities which are to be carried out on the basis of the mini-grant – which will be submitted to calls for grant funding or co-funding from external sources (domestic or foreign, including those from EU funding), within 12 months of receiving the mini-grant.
Using one mini-grant for a maximum amount of 10,000 Euro, it is possible to finance preliminary or pilot research, queries, research trips and conferences travel, access to research infrastructure, or project consulting.
One joint application may be used to apply for one mini-grant. The maximum funding period is for 12 months.
The initial pilot call for proposals under this action was addressed to interuniversity teams from the University of Warsaw and other 4EU+ Alliance member universities, for conducting research under Flagship 2 “Europe in a changing world: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and languages”, and was closed in July 2020. Five projects were selected in the competition, four of which are dedicated to the COVID-19 pandemic.