Promotion of scientific research in the public domain – competition results

01 10 2020
After analysing the 22 applications which were submitted to the competition, the Selection Committee has chosen 10 projects which will receive co-financing as part of Activity III.3.2 (“Promotion of scientific research in the public domain”).
Individual researchers and research team leaders who obtained scientific research results with breakthrough potential in the scientific community, or that have led to solutions to social issues in 2019/2020 may apply for funding; among other things, these funds may be used to prepare and publish an article to promote research results, cover the costs of reviewing research results and publishing them in a scientific journal, organise a seminar promoting research results, or pay for dedicated advertising to promote research results in social media.
The projects selected in the competition for promotion of research this August include the following areas:
- anti-gender discourse, parentage and men’s movements, and contemporary feminism – dr hab. Agnieszka Graff-Osser, prof. ucz., American Studies Center;
- the effectiveness of stem-cell treatments for tendons and ligaments – dr Norbert Kapiński, ICM;
- Eneolithic societies active throughout Europe in the third century BC, known as the Bell-Beaker culture – dr hab. Dariusz Manasterski, Faculty of Archeology;
- psychopathology, in particular assessments of the usefulness of deep neural networks in detecting disorders on the autism spectrum – dr Izabela Chojnicka, Faculty of Psychology;
- identifying, measuring, assessing, modelling, and visualising connections among socio-economic and spatial interactions of populations, and spatial diversification of land use – prof. dr hab. Piotr A. Werner, Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies;
- the fates of 20th century Belarusian authors and their literary work – dr hab. Andriej Moskwin, Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej;
- the sexuality of Poles – prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Izdebski,Faculty of Education;
- psychological aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic – mgr Agnieszka Łyś, Faculty of Psychology;
- the shaping of leaders in organisations – dr Julita Majczyk, Faculty of Management;
- the deprivation of control in inter-group attitudes and the epidemic model of hate speech – dr hab. Michał Bilewicz, prof. ucz., Faculty of Psychology.