Open call for Central European Social Survey research modules

01 12 2020
Category: Calls for proposals, II.3.5
We hereby announce the opening of a call for research modules, as part of the Central European Social Survey, financed by the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” (IDUB) Programme.
The objective of the project is to create a unique data resource on Central and Eastern European societies, and the most important social processes which are taking place in the region. The data set will be the result of surveys conducted in Central-Eastern European countries. As part of the project, two two-phase panel studies will be carried out on country-wide, representative sample groups. The surveys will be carried out online, through the use of a research platform, for comparable and representative samples in Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, Germany, Austria, and Hungary. The project is planned for 2021-2026. Surveys will have a cyclical form (sequential comparisons between the two surveys, as well as panel comparisons between the two phases of both tests) and will allow for a better perspective on the processes of transformation in these regions. It will focus on current social challenges and will comprise a unique resource for researchers from many University disciplines.
The research will include a core consisting of essential demographic and socio-economic variables, as well as thematic research modules from proposals which have been submitted by teams from different units of the University of Warsaw.
We encourage those who are interested in taking part to submit proposals for modules to include in the survey. A given module may contain up to five variables, not counting the technical variables and the broadly-understood metrics containing demographics, socio-economic situation, and political views of those surveyed.
Modules may be submitted by a researcher employed at the University of Warsaw (the head of a research team that is submitting the module). The research team may include members from outside of UW, though publications which report upon the survey results should be affiliated with UW. Modules which have been developed through international cooperation, particularly with partner universities from the 4EU+ Alliance, will be given priority.
Instructions for submitting modules to the Central European Social Survey
- Modules may be submitted through the online form until 30.01.2021.
- Link to the form for submissions:
- The submission should contain the following:
- Contact information for the individual submitting the application (including affiliation with UW)
- A description of the module (3000 characters, or approximately one standard A4 page of text), which should include a detailed description of the research project, main research questions, and hypotheses
- Answers to a series of enquiries regarding the nature of the suggested questions and forms of participation in the project.
The modules will be evaluated by the committee for Action II.3.5, including psychologists, sociologists, survey methodologists, and migration studies researchers. In the event of modules with subject matter that extends beyond the areas of competence in the team, external experts from a given discipline will be invited to take part in the evaluation.
During the evaluation of the modules, the following criteria will be taken into consideration:
- The substantive value of the project (the main criterion).
- The ease of incorporating the module into the entire research project (the quality of the questions, language and cultural adaptation, comparability).
- The influence of the module on the length and complexity of the questionnaire.
- Projects carried out as part of international cooperation, particularly with 4EU+ Alliance members, are preferred.
- The competences of the project team in the area of survey research.
- Call for modules for research (2021)
- Submission of proposals 30.01.2021
- Evaluation of proposals 28.02.2021
- Consultation of research instruments 30.04.2021
- Survey 1 – Phase 1 (November 2021)
- Survey 1 – Phase 2 (November 2022)
- Call for modules for Survey 2 (2024)
- Survey 2 – Phase 1 (2025)
- Survey 2 – Phase 2 (2026)