A series of lectures about multilingualism

22 03 2021
We would like to invite you to take part in a series of open online lectures about research related to the subject of multilingualism and various aspects of how multilinguals use their language abilities, as part of the IDUB activity II.3.7 – “Increasing the effectiveness and internationalisation of research projects within the area of multilingualism”.
We have invited an international team of experts who will present the phenomenon of multilingualism from the perspectives of current linguistic, psycholinguistic, and educational research. The lectures will be broadcasted on the UW channel.
Programme of lectures
“Current trends in multilingualism research”
24.03. at 15.00 (Wednesday)
prof. Raphael Berthele (University of Fribourg, Institute of Multilingualism)
Between monolingual bias and the celebration of diversity: Investigating individual differences in multilingual acquisition
31.03 at 15.00 (Wednesday)
prof. Jean-Marc Dewaele (Department of Applied Linguistics & Communication, Birkbeck, University of London)
Communicating emotions in a foreign language: the ultimate linguistic challenge
15.04 at 15.00 (Thursday)
pProf. Jasone Cenoz (DREAM – Donostia Research group on Education and Multilingualism, University of the Basque Country)
Focus on multilingualism and translanguaging in education
21.04 at 15.00 (Wednesday)
prof. Julia Festman (University College for Teacher Education Tyrol)
Does it get any easier when we learn and process multiple languages?
22.04 at 15.00 (Thursday)
prof. Magdalena Wrembel (Faculty of English, AMU)
Exploring the acquisition of L3 phonology: challenges, new insights and future perspectives
29.04 at 15.00 (Thursday)
prof. Ewa Haman (Faculty of Psychology, UW)
Multilingual children: developmental opportunities and challenges