The research team leader has been selected for “The circular economy – energy storage”

26 04 2021
On March 29, 2021, the leader of a new research team in the area of “The circular economy – energy storage” (Action I.3.4, POB I) was chosen, following a competition for the position. The winner is Dr. Dominika Buchberger, who will conduct research on the use of new materials in Li-ion batteries. Her research group will be established at the Faculty of Chemistry, at the University of Warsaw.
14 people applied to the competition, five of whom met the formal conditions (the submission of a complete set of documents, and at least two years of professional experience after completing a doctorate). Among those five people, there were three scientists from abroad and two from Poland; there were three men and two women.
Dr. Buchberger’s passion for science, and especially chemistry, was already apparent at school – she was a finalist of the 51st Chemistry Olympiad for secondary schools. She obtained her Master’s degree in 2010 from the Faculty of Chemistry at the Warsaw University of Technology, in cooperation with French universities in Amiens and Toulouse (as part of the Erasmus Mundus Master Course –Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion). She obtained her doctorate in 2016, from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw. During her doctoral studies, she cooperated with the University of Louisville (USA) and Tatung University (Taiwan). She then spent over two years on a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Louisville, in the USA. She has co-authored 28 scientific publications and two international patent applications. Since returning to Poland, she has been working on a Homing Foundation grant for Polish Science at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw.
The selection committee appreciated the international experience gained by Dr. Buchberger, which will allow her to create a network of new and effective scientific collaborations; moreover, her research area is very well suited to the Circular Economy Action Plan (The European Green Deal), adopted by the European Commission in 2020.