Twelve projects awarded for promoting research at UW

16 04 2021
The second edition of the competition under Action III.3.2 “Promoting Scientific Research” has ended. Due to the large number of applications received, and the high level of the projects proposed, the budget for the competition was increased.
A total of 40 projects were submitted to the call. The competition was open to employees, doctoral candidates, and teams who obtained research results in 2019-2021. The purpose of the co-financing is to promote the results of scientific research to a wider audience – the general population that is interested in the sciences, including young people, their parents, teachers, non-governmental organisations, and others outside of academic circles.The selection committee assessed the projects very highly, and the Project Manager emphasised that the applicants had demonstrated a very good understanding of the intention and purpose of the Action.
Therefore, by decision of the IDUB Programme Manager, the competition budget was increased (from 100,000 PLN to 141,021 PLN) so that it would be possible to award and co-finance more of those projects. As a result, 12 projects will be awarded co-financing (in the order of the number of points received):
- dr hab. Paweł Kaczmarczyk, for a podcast, “Migration Station”, dedicated to promoting the researchers and studies related to the Centre of Migration Research at the University of Warsaw;
- dr Karolina Krasuska, for the promotion and popularisation of the activities of the
Gender and Sexuality in American Culture Research Group, at the American Studies Center (WWW, podcasts); - dr hab. Arkadiusz Sołtysiak, to reactivate the “Archeowieści” blog and publish materials promoting bioarchaeological research in the Middle East;
- prof. dr hab. Aleksandra Bursche, for the preparation of a bilingual film on archaeological research;
- dr Julia Doroszewska, for “Różnymi drogami do przeszłości / Various paths to the past”, promoting ground-breaking, multidisciplinary research on Ancient History;
- dr Alicja Waszkiewicz-Raviv, for the e-book “Potwory PR/PR Monsters” and a website with influencer support, popularising visual media competences in the PR environment and the media;
- Katarzyna Rechcińska, MA “Gdy fotony udają elektrony”/“When photons pretend to be electrons”, concerning liquid crystal optical microcavities;
- dr hab. Joanna Sułkowska, for the preparation of workshops and lectures on the applications of topology in natural sciences;
- Monika Helak, MA, for “«Pandemic Diaries» Diary Competition”, the result of which will be a published anthology and post-competition study in the form of a book;
- dr Piotr Cichocki, on ethnomusicology, for publishing and promoting recordings with a commentary explaining the hybrid musical culture of Central Africa;
- dr hab. Agnieszka Tomas, for an article devoted to a breakthrough discovery in a Roman legionary camp and in Novae, a city from Late Antiquity, as well as a promotional campaign in online media, an open-air exhibition, and two lectures;
- dr hab. Adriana Mica, for the preparation of short films popularising the results of research and the development of studies on ignorance and failure.
Congratulations to the winners!