Invitation to submit projects under “Archeooriental Studies”

11 05 2021
Category: Calls for proposals, I.3.10
You are welcome to apply for the Archeoorientalistics Studies research project competition. Preparation and implementation of an interdisciplinary and cross-domain research-teaching project, titled Archeoorientalistics is an Action under the IDUB programme, conducted in cooperation with the Faculty of Oriental Studies, the Faculty of Archaeology and the Center of Mediterranean Archaeology at the University of Warsaw.
The aim of Archeooriental Studies is to increase the research potential of the University of Warsaw in the field of studies on the cultures of Asia and Africa, by strengthening and developing cooperation between the above-mentioned units and creating a new quality of research. Scientific achievements presented in highly-scored publications and in leading scientific databases are to be a measurable effect of the activity. The main subject of research in the project is the relationship between broadly-understood power (political, religious, etc.) and space (e.g., the organisation of a place, the setting of boundaries, or constructing social space).
The aim of the competition is to support research projects at the intersection of oriental studies and archaeology. We invite research teams consisting of employees of the University of Warsaw, in which at least one person represents archaeology and at least one person is involved in research on Asian or African cultures. Oriental-archaeological partnership is a prerequisite; projects that do not contain information about archaeological-oriental collaboration will not be considered. We recommend consulting with the manager of the activity before submitting an application.