International summer school for doctoral candidates

22 06 2021
The Faculty of Modern Languages at UW would like to invite you to participate in their summer school, “The Psycholinguistics of Multilingualism”. Members of the team from Action II.3.7 (“Increasing the effectiveness and internationalisation of research projects within the area of multilingualism”) are among the lecturers taking part.
“The Psycholinguistics of Multilingualism” summer school is intended for doctoral candidates who are interested in the subject of language learning and use, as well as multilingualism. It has been created with young researchers in mind, who would like to broaden their knowledge of methodologies for research about language learners, or those using two or more languages, with an emphasis on psycholinguistic methods and quantitative data analysis.
The summer school will be held in a hybrid form from 1 to 17 September 2021. The first round of sign-ups will take place from 14 to 24 June 2021.