Polish Language Course for international employees of University of Warsaw

13 09 2021
The University of Warsaw is offering an unpaid 30-hour Polish language course online for international employees. The course is aimed at learning communication skills that might be useful during working and living in Poland.
3 groups on 3 different proficiency levels are planned, depending on the needs: from A0 to C1. The course is also a unique possibility to network with other international employees and share experiences of living and working in our country.
In this course we offer:
- free participation,
- 30 hours of Polish language at different levels depending on the needs (A0 – C1),
- placement test,
- professional and passionate teaching team,
- online classes,
- great atmosphere in international environment.
18.10 – 17.12.2021 and own work on the platform
Classes will be held in the afternoons, 2 times a week, for 1,5 hours each. Exact course schedule will be given after setting up the groups.
Online on Kampus – e-learning platform for employees and Zoom.
Who can apply?
The course is intended for international employees of University of Warsaw.
An employee should be understood as a person employed during the period of implementation of the development activity at the University on the basis of a contract of employment or appointment.
Please note that the places are limited – first come first served.
For more details please contact Welcome Point staff: welcome@uw.edu.pl