“Tandems for Excellence” – visiting researchers programme

30 09 2021
Category: Calls for proposals, II.2.1
Starting today, research and research/teaching staff at the University of Warsaw can submit proposals for projects as part of Action II.2.1, a measure to stimulate the achievement of scientific excellence by increasing the level of internationalisation at the University of Warsaw and the visibility of research carried out at the University.
The aim of the competition is to create “tandems” – small research teams comprisied of a foreign researcher with outstanding scientific achievements in a given discipline, and researchers from the University of Warsaw. The anticipated outcomes of the implemented projects include:
- enabling the direct cooperation of doctoral students and researchers employed at the University of Warsaw with the best scientists from other units,
- establishing relationships which allow for the continuation of such cooperation in the future (e.g., by applying jointly for grants),
- stimulating the creation of new research groups or the improvement of existing groups,
- transferring know-how about research methods and organisation of scientific research, allowing for increased visibility of research from the University of Warsaw in the international arena.
The activity is horizontal in nature, and therefore open to all research disciplines at the University of Warsaw. Priority is given to areas where the potential for cooperation and the resulting added value are the greatest.
The call for applications will be open until 20 December 2021.