Academy for Competence Development of Science Leaders – training courses in project management and personal effectiveness
19 10 2021
Category: I.2.3, Trainings, V.3.5
We would like to invite you to sign up for training courses which will be held starting in November of 2021, as part of the Academy for Competence Development of Science Leaders, under Action V.3.5 “Program for the development and improvement of the researchers’ «soft skills»”, in cooperation with Action I.2.3 “Securing funds for patent and publishing activity”.
The training courses are intended for those who hold at least a doctoral degree, are employed on the basis of a work agreement or nomination, and among the group of researcher-teachers, researchers, and researcher-technicians from
- the Faculty of Biology,
- the Faculty of Chemistry,
- the Faculty of Geology
or in
- the Biological and Chemical Research Centre,
- the Centre of New Technologies, and
- the Heavy Ion Laboratory.
The Academy includes 12 training courses, which will be taking place until the end of the current academic year, covering the following topics:
- project management (2 courses),
- recruitment (2 courses),
- team management (2 courses),
- effective communication in teams (2 courses),
- personal effectiveness (2 courses),
- stress management (2 courses).
This will allow for the development of soft skills of researchers who are employed at the University of Warsaw.
Each training course will consist of group sessions as well as two individual sessions. The classes will focus on practical aspects of the subjects under discussion and working on particular examples (especially during the individual sessions).
Sessions as part of the Academy are led by a trainer in business with many years of experience.
A maximum number of 10 people may participate in each training course.
The complete list of training courses with links for registration
Detailed information on the training courses is available from Łukasz Rodek (the Manager of Research in POB I):, tel. 22 55 41 008.