Training courses for researchers in cooperation with the publisher Springer Nature

15 10 2021
Category: I.2.1, Trainings, V.3.1, V.3.5
We would like to invite UW staff to attend two online training courses which are being carried out in cooperation with Springer Nature publishers, “Academic Presentations” and “Research Data”, organised as part of the following IDUB Actions: I.2.1 “Improvement of publishing capacities”, V.3.1 “Development of UW Staff competences”, and V.3.5 “Program for the development and improvement of the researcher’ »soft skills«”.
Springer Nature is one of the world’s largest publishers of scientific journals (over 3,000 titles, containing over 7 million scientific papers). Among the journals published by SN, more than 1,100 may be found in the top quartile according to the Scopus database; the company publishes many of the most influential journals in the world.
As part of our cooperation with Springer Nature, we invite you to the following online training courses:
- Academic Presentations: 27-28.10.2021
- Research Data: 28-29.10.2021
The courses will be conducted in English for academic teachers at the University of Warsaw (above all for those employed among the research and teaching staff and research staff) and administrative staff whose tasks deriving from their posts/functions/roles are or will be in future related to the subject matter of the training.
Information about the “Academic Presentations” training as well as registration
Information about the “Research Data” training as well as registration