Open lecture “Opportunities and Challenges of Digital Media in the Grassroots Fight Against Corruption”

25 10 2022
Category: Events, I.1.1/IV.1.1, Results
We are pleased to announce the upcoming open lecture organized by the Digital Economy Lab and is held within the “Mentoring Programme” scheme (Action I.1.1/IV.1.1) of “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme.
The lecture by prof. Alice Mattoni, will focus on how activists worldwide include digital media in their anti-corruption struggles.
Alice Mattoni is an Associate Professor in the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Bologna. Her research focuses on the intersections between media – digital and otherwise – and social movements, civil society organizations and movement organizations. As Principal Investigator of the ERC funded project BIT-ACT (2019-2024), she investigates how movement organizations develop and employ digital media platforms to counter corruption across the world. She is a cooperating partner of the research project “AUTO-WELF – Automating Welfare: Algorithmic Infrastructures for Human Flourishing in Europe” (2022-2025) funded by the Chanse scheme “Transformations: Social and cultural dynamics in the digital age”. She is Coordinating Editor of Social Movement Studies and of the open-access journal Partecipazione e Conflitto. She is part of the Editorial board of Social Media + Society. She is one of the three co-founders and current editor of the Routledge Series Media and Communication Activism. Her work has been published in international journals such as European Journal of Communication, Communication Theory, Information, Communication & Society, International Journal of Communication, Journal of Information Technology and Politics, The Review of Communication, and Social Movement Studies.
The lecture will take place
on Tuesday, November 8th 2022, 16:00-18:00
at the UW Department of Sociology at Karowa 18 street, room 18