Managing social media by Editors – online training

16 11 2022
We invite you to enroll in a training course designed for editors and editorial staff of journals, UW publications, and anyone interested in promoting scholarly output on social media from the author, journal and publisher levels.
The online training in Polish will take place on 25.11.2022, and will be led by Dr. Michal Kuźmicki (Center for Foreign Language Teacher Education and European Education): administrator of the unit’s profile on the Instagram platform and author of innovative practical English classes where participants create content to be found on social media (OGUN).
Training program:
- identification of editorial needs and selection of appropriate platforms,
- analyzing sample content published by other editors from the visual, linguistic and marketing aspects – working in groups,
- independent creation of posts (text or text + photo) on the topic selected by the editorial team and discussion of them in the forum,
- exercises on the response of editors to the reactions of Internet users to their posts,
- exercise – correcting incorrectly worded posts,
- exercise – creating a plan for social media promotion between publications.
Participation in the training is free upon prior registration and confirmation.