A world without borders – invitation to the vernissage

16 02 2023
Category: Events, III.3.2, Results
Anna Piontek, director of the Museum of the Earth of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, and Dariusz Manasterski, Ph.D., curator of the exhibition, invite you to the vernissage of the exhibition “Archaeological research on social relations at the turn of the Neolithic and Bronze Ages in north-eastern Poland”.
The archaeological exhibition “World without borders” presents the results of research carried out in recent years by archaeologists from the University of Warsaw, the Podlaskie Museum in Białystok and the PAN Earth Museum in Warsaw.
The main theme of the exhibition is the social relations that may have taken place at the turn of the Neolithic and Bronze Ages in north-eastern Poland – an area dominated by lakes and river floodplains that, despite interdisciplinary research intensifying in recent years, is still unsatisfactorily recognised. However, as a result of the intensification of work, key sites have been identified. Key sites, because they contain archaeological sources which significantly alter peripheral perceptions of the cultural situation taking place here in the 3rd millennium BC. Now, in popular science terms, we present to you the results obtained to date and, on the basis of these, the hypotheses proposed.
The exhibition at the PAN Earth Museum in Warsaw is the second part of the “World without borders” exhibition.
Please come visit starting on
16.02.2023, at 17:00
Willa Pniewskiego (Pniewski Villa), Aleja Na Skarpie 27
The exhibition was organised as part of Action III.3.2 “Promotion of scientific research in the public domain”.