International summer research school on qualitative research and academic integrity in education

17 02 2023
Category: Events, IV.4.2, Results
The Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Warsaw invites doctoral students and young academics to participate in „The International Research Summer School 2023, IRSS2023 on Qualitative Research and Academic Integrity in Education”.
The event will take place at the UW from 3-7 July 2023.
Participants in IRSS 2023 will have the opportunity, among other things:
- develop your own research skills in collaboration with experts and leaders in the latest global trends in designing and conducting qualitative research;
- co-create a research community and broaden scientific contacts;
- discuss their research projects and discuss potential collaborations with researchers and in the establishment of international research networks.
Applications are open until 20 February 2023.
The IRSS2023 School is a project under Action IV.4.2 “International Summer Schools for PhD students and young research employees”.