“Plan your postdoc abroad” webinar

24 02 2023
We invite PhD students who plan to carry out their postdocs outside Poland to a webinar prepared in the framework of Action IV.1.3 “From the Diamond Grant to the ERC grant”– creating individual plans for the research career development.
During the training Magdalena Chomicka, reserach career advisor, will explain wow to find postdoc offers abroad, with a particular focus on Marie-Skłodowska Curie Actions and ERC grants, where to look for offers outside the EU-funded projects, what to focus on when preparing your application/CV, as well as discuss the matter of assistance offered by the Euraxess network.
The webinar will be held:
- in Polish: 10.03.2023, 11:00-13:00 — link to the registration form
- in English: 14.03.2023, 11:00-13:00 — link to the registration form