Finalisation of the international INART project on antibiotic resistance in the environment

20 04 2023
In 2022, the international project “INART – Intervention of antimicrobial resistance transfer into the food chain” has been finalised. It was led by Magdalena Popowska, Prof. of the Institute of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology.
The main objective of the project was to develop intervention strategies that will lead to a reduction or elimination of the spread of antimicrobial resistance in the soil after the application of natural fertilisers (excreta from livestock: pigs, poultry, cattle) and subsequently in cultivated plants and thus reduce the risk to humans and animals.
As part of Action III.3.2 “Promotion of scientific research in the public domain”, prof. Magdalena Popowska was awarded funding to produce a promotional video for this project. The film can be viewed on the YouTube channel of the Biology Faculty community: