Special edition of the competition to promoting scientific researches – Paris

19 06 2023
Category: Calls for proposals, III.3.2
We invite the employees of the University of Warsaw to participate in the 5th, special edition of the competition for co-financing the promotion of the results of scientific research conducted at the University of Warsaw and the achievements of the University of Warsaw.
Projects that can be funded in this competition must fulfil the following conditions:
- the form in which the promotion will be carried out will be: a lecture, lecture series, seminar, exhibition or vernissage,
- the promotion will take place over one or two days, on one of the dates indicated in the application form: October 2023, April 2024 or October 2024,
- the promotion will be carried out in either French or English, with preference given to French,
- the promotion will be carried out among an academic and non-academic audience connected with a European university, and among French and Polish young people considering the possibility of studying or working in Poland,
- the place where the promotion will be carried out will be the Polish diplomatic representation in Paris, an institution connected with the promotion of Polish science and culture or a selected university in Paris indicated at a later date by the Centre of Polish Culture in France.
The maximum project budget possible for IDUB funding is PLN 20 000 (own contribution of the unit possible).
The call for applications runs until 01.09.2023.