Accreditation of UW laboratories

23 10 2023
Taking into account the very high assessment of substantive competence and the fulfilment of all formal requirements for accredited laboratories, the Polish Centre for Accreditation has granted accreditation to two UW laboratories on the Ochota Campus.
The certificate, without any reservations, was awarded by the PCA:
- Spectroscopic Research Laboratory (Faculty of Physics), and
- Forensic Chemistry Laboratory and Forensic Genetics Laboratory (Centre for Forensic Science).
The evaluation team highlighted the very high competence of the staff and their extensive experience in conducting research.
The obtained accredited laboratory status is the result of the project concerning the establishment of new accredited research laboratories at the UW through the implementation of a quality management system in accordance with the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 standard permanently increasing the research potential of the University of Warsaw within the framework of Action I.4.1. “Strengthening the core-facility potential on the Ochota Campus” under the IDUB Programme.