The second edition of the “POB IV for Parents – New Ideas” competition has been extended

27 03 2024
Category: Calls for proposals, New Ideas
The call for proposals in the open competition “POB IV for Parents – New Ideas” for research projects intended for parents returning to research work after childcare breaks has been extended until 23 April.
The “POB IV for Parents” competition organised by the Priority Research Area IV “The Humanities: Crossing Borders, Extending Capabilities” within the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme is aimed towards researchers in the humanities disciplines returning to work after breaks due to childcare.
The problem of a hindered return to academic work affects both contracted and doctoral students at the UW, and targeting the competition at fathers as well is an important step in equalising opportunities for women and men in science by equalizing the facilities available to women and men and thus increasing gender equality in combining childcare with an academic career.
The “POB IV for Parents” competition is part of the equality measures undertaken by the University of Warsaw as part of the Gender Equality Plan for the UW, where it corresponds to objectives two “Supporting the development of women’s scientific careers” and four “Facilitating the combination of work and family life”, and also responds to the measures declared in the HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) as part of HR Excellence in Research.
We strongly encourage you to participate in the competition.
Detailed information about the competition
(Photo by Ioann-Mark Kuznietsov on Unsplash.)