UW Institutional Repository

05 03 2024
On the 27th of February 2024, the UW Institutional Repository was inaugurated at the University of Warsaw Library (BUW). It is a platform where publications by staff, doctoral students, and students of the University are collected and made available.
The repository provides metadata and full texts of peer-reviewed scientific publications whose authors are affiliated with the University of Warsaw. It is also a repository for teaching materials, theses, reports, and other materials popularising science.
The platform includes material from the period of the last evaluation of scientific activity at UW (2017-2021), as well as more than 8,000 new publications published after 2022, downloaded from the Polish Scientific Bibliography (PBN). The most recent doctoral dissertations and those collected in the existing UW Repository between 2012 and 2023 may also be found there.
The inaugural meeting was attended by Prof. Zygmunt Lalak, UW Vice-Rector for Research, BUW administration, and representatives of the University’s faculties and organisational units, among others. The functions of the platform were presented, followed by a discussion about forms of use in the context of implementing open science and building a database of the UW community’s scientific output.
The platform is a tool which is optimised for indexing in Google Scholar. It retrieves citation information from the Scopus database and altmetrics tools (Altmetrics, Dimensions, PlumX Metrix). The repository is integrated with the ORCID database, allowing for the automatic importation of publication data.
The UW Institutional Repository is available on the website:
The coordinator of the activities for the creation of the platform was the University of Warsaw Library (BUW). The repository was developed using funds from the “Excellence Initiative –Research University” Programme under Action V.3.3. Development, adoption and implementation of open science policy at the University of Warsaw.